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1.高性能金属构件电弧超声增材与电火花铣削减材复合制造 2019-2021 15万 主持
2. 水下控制系统地面测试单元研制科研项目 2014-2018 15万 主持
3. “油层仿生电脉冲造缝解堵技术基础及应用研究”国家自然科学基金项目一项2006-2009 No 29万 主持
1.李庆云 吴秀菊 基于Oyane韧性断裂准则的凹陷管道损伤程度研究 机械强度 2018,40(5)
2. LiQingyun ,Li yang Pipeline robot and intelligent control method Control Engineering and Information Systems (Taylor & Francis Group, London , ISBN:978-1-138-02685-8)(EI)
3. Qingyun Li,Yang Li,Huiqing Zhu. An improved BP neural network method used in controlling system of the petroleum Well removal Robot. Automatic control and Artificial Intelligence, 2012, 93-96.
4. Yonghong Liu, Renjie Ji, Qingyun Li, Lili Yu, Xiaopeng Li. An experimental investigation for electric discharge milling of SiC ceramics with high electrical resistivity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 472: 460-410.
5. 李庆云,杨文凯,李扬. 模糊神经网络信息融合在管道机器人导航中的应用.微型机与应用,2011,30(3):82-85.
6 .李庆云,魏娟杰. 基于多层匹配筛选的Web服务发现模型的研究. 计算机应用与软件,2010,27(6):142-144.
7. Yonghong Liu, Renjie Ji, Qingyun Li, Lili Yu, Xiaopeng Li. Electric discharge milling of silicon carbide ceramic with high electrical resistivity. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2008, 48: 1504-1508 (SCI、EI收录)
8. Yonghong Liu, Renjie Ji, Qingyun Li, Lili Yu, Xiaopeng Li. An experimental investigation for electric discharge milling of SiC ceramics with high electrical resistivity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 472: 460-410 (SCI、EI收录)
9. Y. H. Liu, X. P. Li, R. J. Ji, L. L. Yu, H. F. Zhang, Q. Y. Li. Effect of technological parameter on the process performance for electric discharge milling of insulating Al2O3 ceramic. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2008: 208(1-3): 245-250 (SCI、EI收录)
10. Y. H. Liu, R. J. Ji, X. P. Li, L. L. Yu, H. F. Zhang, Q. Y. Li. Effect of machining fluid on the process performance of electric discharge milling of insulating Al2O3 ceramic. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2008, 48: 1030-1035 (SCI、EI收录)
11. 李庆云,刘永红,杨毅. 仿蚯蚓打孔机器人的仿真系统,计算机工程,2001,27(5):13-14. (EI收录)
12. 李庆云,苗春彦,刘永红,李小朋. 非导电超硬材料电火花磨削主轴电机调速控制系统. 计算机测量与控制,2006,14(6):748-750.
13. 苏健,李庆云 基于Bezier算法的采油井管道绘制. 计算机工程与设计 2008, 29(6):1538-1540.
14. 刘永红,李庆云,杨毅. 曲线孔电火花加工机器人加工运动轨迹模拟. 计算机工程与应用,2001,(2):21-22.
15. 丛君丽,刘永红,李庆云,张海峰.油井电火花解堵造缝机器人控制系统设计研究. 微计算机信息,2008, 24(32): 246-248.