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17. 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目1项(在研,285万)
[1] Sun Xiaohui, Wang Zhiyuan, Sun Baojiang, et al. Modeling of dynamic hydrate shell growth on bubble surface considering multiple factor interactions. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 331, 221-233. (JCR 1区)
[2] Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, Wang Zhiyuan, et al. A new model for hydrodynamics and mass transfer of hydrated bubble rising in deep water. Chemical Engineering Science. 2017, 173, 168-178. (JCR 1区)
[3] Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, Wang Zhiyuan, et al. A hydrate shell growth model in bubble flow of water-dominated system considering intrinsic kinetics, mass and heat transfer mechanisms. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 117, 940–950. (JCR 1区)
[4] Sun Xiaohui, Wang Zhiyuan, Liao Youqiang, et al. Geothermal energy production utilizing a U-shaped well in combination with supercritical carbon dioxide circulation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 151, 523-535. (JCR 1区).
[5] Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, Zhang Shuai, et al. A new pattern recognition model for gas kick diagnosis in deepwater drilling. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 167, 418-425. (JCR1区).
[6] Sun Xiaohui, Wang Zhiyuan, Li Hangyu, et al. A simple model for the prediction of mutual solubility in carbon dioxide-brine system at geological conditions. Desalination, 2021, 504, 114972, 1-18. (JCR1区).
[7] Sun Xiaohui, Liao Youqiang, Wang Zhiyuan, et al. Geothermal exploitation by circulating supercritical carbon dioxide in a closed horizontal wellbore. Fuel, 254, 115566. (JCR 1区).
[8] Sun Xiaohui, Wang Zhiyuan, Sun Baojiang, et al. Research on hydrate formation rules in the formations for liquid carbon dioxide fracturing. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering. 2016, 33, 1390-1401. (JCR1区).
[9] Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, Gao Yonghai, et al. A model of multiphase flow dynamics considering the hydrated bubble behaviors and its application to deepwater kick simulation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140(8), 082004. (JCR 2区).
[10] Sun Xiaohui, Xia Andi, Sun Baojiang, et al. Research on the heat and mass transfer mechanisms for growth of hydrate shell from gas bubbles. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 97(6), 1953-1960. (JCR 3区).
[11] Sun Xiaohui, Liao Youqiang, Wang Zhiyuan, et al. Modelling of Formation Pore Pressure Inversion during Tight Reservoir Drilling. Geofluids, 2021, 6626381, 1-11. (JCR 2区).
[12] Sun Xiaohui, Wang Zhiyuan, Li Yingjie, et al. Modelling of the Phase-Partitioning Behaviors for carbon dioxide-Brine System at Geological Conditions. Lithosphere, 2021: 3474828. (JCR1区).
[13] Sun Xiaohui, Li Hangyu, He Haikang, et al. Experiments and modeling of carbon dioxide solubility in water-based and oil-based drilling fluids. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022: 110336. (JCR1区).
[14] Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, Wang Zhiyuan. Wellbore Dynamics of Kick Evolution Considering Hydrate Phase Transition on Gas Bubbles Surface During Deepwater Drilling, OMAE2017-61125.
[15] Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, Gao Yonghai, et al. Transient Fully Coupled Hydrodynamic-Hydrate Model for Deepwater Kick Simulation, OTC-28342-MS.
[16] Sun Baojiang, Sun Xiaohui, Wang Zhiyuan, et al. Effects of phase transition on gas kick migration in deep water horizontal drilling. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering. 46: 710-729. (JCR1区).
[17] Liao Youqiang, Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, et al. Transient gas–liquid–solid flow model with heat and mass transfer for hydrate reservoir drilling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 141, 476-486. (JCR 1区)
[18] Liao Youqiang, Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, et al. Wellhead backpressure control strategies and outflow response characteristics for gas kick during managed pressure drilling[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020: 103164. (JCR 1区)
[19] Liao Youqiang, Sun Xiaohui, Sun Baojiang, et al. Coupled thermal model for geothermal exploitation via recycling of supercritical carbon dioxide in a fracture–wells system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 113890. (JCR 1区)
[20] Gao Yonghai, Sun Xiaohui, Zhao Tianhua, et al. Study on the migration of gas kicks in undulating sections of horizontal wells. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127, 1161-1167. (JCR 1区).
1. 国家海洋工程科学技术一等奖,排名5/15
2. 中国发明创业奖创新奖一等奖,排名5/6
3. 山东省研究优秀成果一等奖,排名1/5
4. 山东省优秀博士学位论文,排名1/1
5. 全国博士后创新创业大赛银奖,排名1/5
6. 山东省博士后创新创业大赛银奖,排名1/1
7. 国家博士后创新人才支持计划,国家人社部
8. 山东省博士后创新人才支持计划,山东省人社厅
9. “学术十杰”荣誉称号,银河电子游戏1331
10. 全国优秀创新创业博士后,国家人社部